Stopping referrer spam (or die trying)
Referrer spam, to some webmasters something unknown, to others a severe pain in the butt. People visiting your website while faking a refferer aren’t that bad, but people actually using webspiders to massively desecrate your website statistics are very annoying, these people need to be targeted. …more
I got bored yesterday night, so I started playing around with a domain I still had laying around: …more
Overriding PHP settings
You’re migrating your site to your brand new Plesk server and your site doesn’t behave like it should. This is probably because of the default PHP settings that Plesk enforces. Examples are safe_mode and magic_quotes_gpc. Here’s how to take care of that. …more
The Colour of Magic
The main characters are Rincewind, a failed wizard from Unseen University, he can’t keep any spells in his head as one of the eight Great Spells is in there and Twoflower the Disc’s first tourist where in his homeland he isn’t very rich at all but in Ankh-Morpork (the city he first visits) he is incredibly wealthy and one rhinu, which is the currency he uses, is worth about a thousand gold pieces. Rincewind is told to look after Twoflower and make sure he has a good stay in Ankh-Morpork, by the cities Patriarch. But Twoflower wants to see dangerous things like dragons and pub brawls and heroes like Bravd the hublander and Hrun the barbarian. …more
books books books
Bought myself a few books last Friday, since I finished Stepen King‘s Insomnia (one of King’s best novels). My choice came down to these three books: J.R.R. Tolkien - The Silmarillion, Terry Pratchett The Colour of Magic Douglas Adams - The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide I’ve wanted to read all of these books for quite some time now, and now I finally can. But with such an abundance of words, which one do you choose to start with?…more